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6 Essential Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy

Essential Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy

Want to get rid of your bleeding gums?

Gum issues can be a harmful concern for your overall oral health if left untreated. Hence, it is necessary to keep your gums healthy. But how, you might be wondering. So, the answer to your question is here in this blog.

In this blog, I have shared simple ways to keep your gums healthy. Read the blog till the end to know more.

Why Is It Important to Keep Your Gums Healthy?

Healthy gums are a good indicator of proper oral health. If your gums aren’t good there are chances for the infection to spread and cause trouble. Healthy gums act as a barrier against external gum diseases and also protect the conditions like tooth loss. They are capable enough to withstand the forces while biting and chewing the food.

A healthy gum is the powerhouse of the teeth that helps enhance the durability of the teeth making them stronger and healthier than ever. Taking care of your gums is as important as the way you take care of yourself. Here you protect the roots of the gums, which maintains the stiffness to keep your teeth in place, contributing towards the overall aesthetics and the beauty of your smile.

What Are the Benefits of Taking Care of Your Gums?

The following are the benefits of taking care of your gums. Here, I have mentioned a few;

Reduced Risk of Heart Attack

You may wonder, gums and heart, how are they interconnected? Unfortunately, the bacteria doesn’t always stay in your mouth alone, but it can enter your entire body through the bloodstream, and thus, it can travel to the delicate arteries of the heart as well, which can put you at risk of a heart attack. Thus, there is a 50% chance for you to be affected by heart attack and other diseases.

Low Chances for Lung Issues

If you are suffering from gum diseases there are slight chances of getting lung infections. It is because when we inhale the air through our mouth, the bacteria might enter our lungs, leading to infection. Thus, maintaining healthy gums is necessary to prevent lung infections overall.

Reduced Diabetes Risk

In many studies, people who are suffering from gum diseases are more likely to develop type-2 diabetes. It is because gum issues increase the inflammation in your gums, making it harder for your body to use the insulin properly, known as insulin resistance.

Helps in Weight Loss

Improving your oral hygiene paves a better way for you to lose weight.

Gum issues might reduce the risk of losing weight faster. Thus, proper care of your gums also reduces the chances of developing other health problems like high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

6 Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy:

Regular Brushing

You might think about the link between brushing and the gums. Well, it is a fact that brushing helps protect your teeth, but they are also helpful in protecting your gums from plaque build-up on the surface of your teeth, which irritates your gums.

Hence, it is necessary to brush your teeth regularly without fail. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day without fail.

Floss Your Teeth

Flossing is also a better way to protect your gums from the invading germs. When you floss your teeth in between, the left-out bacteria might get washed away, promoting a healthier and sparkling white smile.

Always floss your teeth immediately after brushing daily. Make sure you floss at least once a day while brushing your teeth.

Professional Cleaning

Getting a professional teeth cleaning once in a while is a good practice and it helps maintain your smile and also helps remove the debris and the stains that make your teeth look ugly and stained. At times when you notice that your teeth are stained, visit a dentist to get a professional white cleaning for your teeth, which promotes your gum health.


Another great way to protect your teeth from outside invaders is just flushing them out of your mouth. Here, I suggest using proper mouthwash. Use mouthwash to prevent the bacteria prevailing in the nook and the corner of your mouth that might cause damage to your gums.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is also strictly prohibited for people suffering from gum issues like gingivitis. It’s advice to you if you are concerned about your oral health and gums. If you want to protect your gums from diseases, you need to stop smoking so that there are no problems in your teeth. Kindly stop smoking if you want your gums not to suffer from any problems. It is because people who smoke are more likely to produce bacterial plaque that aggravates their gums and might also cause problems later.


Make sure you add fluoride toothpaste or try drinking fluoridated water to prevent the aggravation of germs and bacteria from your mouth. Using fluoride toothpaste is essential as well as good for your gums. It prevents gum issues and other diseases from attacking your mouth. Thus, using fluoride can serve you better.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy:

Suggest Some Best Oral Hygiene Tips

One of the best ways to keep your gums healthy is to keep them clean. Follow possible and basic care of your oral health as much as possible. Try brushing regularly twice, floss your teeth every time you brush your teeth, use a proper mouthwash, and clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner.

What Are the Best Foods Suggested for Healthy Gums?

For healthy gums, try adding foods like leafy greens, berries, green tea, citrus fruit, onions, yogurt, garlic, etc. These foods are considered best for your gums.

How Can I Reduce the Inflammation and Swelling in the Gums?

To reduce the inflammation and swelling in your gums, try to gargle with mild, warm salt water that kills the bacteria that cause gum diseases.

Hope the blog on the different ways to keep your gums healthy has amazed you. So start today! to look after your gums and prevent them from infection and problems. Visit the Dr.Smilez Dental Clinic for an effective dental checkup. 

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