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Difference between Dental Implants & Dentures

What is the difference between Dental Implants and Dentures??

Dental implants are nothing but metal screws usually made up of titanium which are used to replace one or more missing tooth roots. That may be lost due to decay, failed RCT, gum disease or tooth injury etc. Like tooth root is inside the jaw bone. These implants are placed inside the jaw bone by a small surgical procedure under local anaesthesia. The entire process is usually painless and does not require any restriction from any routine activities. Dental implants can be used to provide foundation for single crown, bridges and/or dentures depending upon the need.

Dental Implants

Dental implants serve as one of the best option for the tooth replacement due to various advantages like:

  • Implants restore the missing tooth without causing any damage to the adjacent teeth. Adjacent teeth are left untouched.
  • Prevent further loss of bone in the region where the teeth are lost, which is generally seen if a bridge or removable dentures are used.
  • Provides a stable foundation for new teeth with comfort and security when eating and speaking.
  • Provide better cosmetic and functional end results



Dentures are the traditional way of replacing the teeth when one has lost all the teeth in one or both the jaws. Commonly known as “teeth-set”,  many of us have seen them being used by our grand-parents and other elderly people. Dentures are a set of artificial teeth embedded in a pink plastic like acrylic plate, which fits onto the jaw bone and needs to be removed from time to time.

In olden days, they were the only option for people who lost all their teeth. They are well-known for their various associated discomforts like:

  • Being uncomfortable- many a times loose, ill-fitting or painful
  • Cause limited taste sensation
  • Cause bad breath when not maintained properly
  • Must be removed during most hospital visits and appointments.
  • People with dentures have to be very careful with what they eat and should avoid very hard, crunchy , chewy or sticky food, thus limiting their food choices
  • Long-term usage of dentures cause progressive bone loss in the tooth bearing area, sore gums, painful ulcers and fungal infection.

Loose and ill-fitting dentures sometimes have slipped and fallen out of the mouth and have caused severe social embarrassment to the persons wearing them. All these factors cause an psychologic  trauma to the person wearing them, affecting their overall well being. Although, with time advancements have been made to improve various aspects and the quality of these dentures, the associated discomforts are yet to be overcome.

Dental implants & Dentures

Dental implants now are being used to attach a fixed bridge/denture to the jaw in such patients and are growing as a popular choice of treatment. Commonly known as “ALL-ON- FOUR/ ALL-ON –SIX”, only 4 to 6 implants, spread over each jaw is sufficient to secure the bridge/denture, tightly and provide the required strength. These implant supported bridge/dentures are a major improvement in the fit and function over the traditional dentures. The biting force is around 70% greater than those of the best fitting dentures. So the person having implants supported bridge can choose a wider variety of food to eat with greater comfort and confidence. Thus, implant supported dentures can the change the way of life.

Aging is unavoidable but how we age is always our choice. So invest in teeth today and choose a healthier way of aging.

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