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How to Strengthen Your Teeth and Gums Naturally | DrSmilez

How to Strengthen Your Teeth and Gums Naturally

Want a bright white smile?

It is necessary to keep your teeth and the gums clean for a bright smile. And it is very easy to take care of your teeth and gums. Even with the regular routine, you can take care of your smile. But what are they, you might be thinking? So here is the answer for you in this blog where I have shared about how to strengthen your teeth and gums naturally. Read the blog till the end to know more.

Importance of Healthy Gums

Healthy gums are a sign of good oral health. They are the base for your entire oral health. When your gums aren’t healthy, they cannot withstand the force applied during biting, chewing, or any external factors; this might lead to the fall of your dental, leading to overall teeth loss. To prevent this condition it is necessary to take care of your gums with proper oral hygiene and maintenance. The plaque buildup is the one of the reasons for the gum issues in individuals, which occurs due to the lack of poor oral hygiene.

Plaque contains bacteria that release harmful toxins that aggravate your gums, which results in swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. Bleeding during brushing is one of the main symptoms indicating that you have a concern with your gums and you need to take care of it.

Yet, gingivitis can be treated easily, but if left untreated, it can turn into periodontal disease and can affect both the jawbone around the teeth and your teeth.

Symptoms of Unhealthy Gums

  • Bleeding gums during brushing and flossing is a sign of gum disease.
  • Feeling your teeth a bit loose from your gums is also a sign of unhealthy gums.
  • Changes in your bite force. If you aren’t able to bite with force it is a sign that indicates that you might have unhealthy gums.
  • A foul smell from your mouth. If you have a bad smell in your mouth despite brushing, your gums might have some problems.
  • Swollen and tender gums are also a sign of unhealthy gums.
  • Receding gums, making your teeth visibly enlarged, is also a sign of unhealthy gums.

Different Types of Gum Diseases

Well, when it comes to gum diseases, the two main types of prominent gum diseases are:


Gingivitis is a starting stage of gum disease, which is caused due to plaque buildup on the surface of the teeth. The bacteria release harmful toxins and irritate your gums, leading to swelling and inflammation. This stage of the gum disease is known as gingivitis.


Gingivitis takes the form of periodontitis when left untreated. It is an advanced gum disease that spreads below your gum line, affects your teeth, and affects your teeth and jawbones. However, these periodontitis are categorised as

Aggressive Periodontitis

In this process, periodontitis is at its rapid progression, in which the bone destruction progress is at its advanced pace.

Chronic Periodontitis

The gum recession process and the gingival pockets characterise this stage. In this type of periodontitis, the deterioration usually occurs slowly.

Systemic Periodontitis

The gum diseases develop due to systemic conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, and respiratory diseases known as systemic periodontitis.

5 Ways to Improve Your Gum Health

Here, I have shared the following ways to improve your gum health


Try to floss your teeth, along with brushing, as it helps to prevent the germs that the toothbrushes cannot reach. Make sure that you floss your teeth at least once a day for healthier gums. Thus, flossing helps promote your healthier gums.


Brushing is the primary step towards your oral hygiene. It helps prevent the formation of the bacteria and tartar in your mouth. Try to brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and the evening. Make sure that your child brushes their teeth twice a day regularly.


Using mouthwash helps to reach the place where even brushing and flossing are not possible, like premolars and molars. Mouthwashes help cleanse your teeth deeply. It also helps protect and strengthen your enamel.

Tongue Cleaner

Now, guess what? There are still chances that the bacteria and the germs are left out in your mouth. In such conditions, using a tongue cleaner can help you throw off the bacteria and invading germs that might harm your health. Hence, always remember to clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner.

Dental Checkups

Make sure to get enough and a proper dental checkup for your teeth to prevent dental issues at an early stage. Try to visit your dentists at least twice a year for healthier gums and teeth. Hence, dental checkups are also essential to prevent the formation of bacteria in your mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Strengthen Your Teeth and Gums Naturally

How to Strengthen Your Teeth and Gums Naturally?

The following are the steps to make your teeth naturally strong;

  • Add a fluoride toothpaste to your routine
  • Brush and floss regularly
  • Maintain a proper diet
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated
  • Limit your sugar intake

How to Strengthen My Gums Naturally?

Practising good hygiene is the best way to strengthen your gums naturally. Hence, maintain proper oral hygiene.

What Are the Main Causes of Gum Issues?

Smoking is one of the most significant reasons for your teeth to suffer from oral issues.

Thus taking care of your teeth can help you to promote your overall oral health. Try following these steps for better oral health. Avoid harmful habits like smoking, chewing tobacco, etc., for your overall well-being.

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