Dr Smilez

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Do you want to know what causes yellow teeth and how to prevent it?

There are two main reasons for your teeth slowly turning yellow from white.

 The first well known one is foods and drinks that stain them directly.

The second less commonly known reason is acids in certain foods and particularly drinks that wear away your teeth’s white enamel coating. When it is at its thickest, tooth enamel, the outer layer, is naturally white. Unfortunately as it is worn down it becomes translucent and starts to show through to the next layer of the tooth underneath called dentin.

Yellow Teeth

Food that stain

  1. Black tea
  2. Sugary sweets
  3. Red wine
  4. Brightly coloure curries and sauces
  5. Cigerattes, tobacco, pan, betel nut.
  6. Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables
  7. Condiments soya sauce or vinegar.
  8. Any other food that can stain your tongue also stains your teeth slowly when left overnight.

 Food that are acidic

  1. Cola, soda, sports drinks
  2. White wine
  3. Commercial fruit juices and freshly prepared citrus fruit juices

 Prevention is always better than cure.

How to prevent yellow teeth?

  1. Interestingly, having a starter of salad greens or steamed vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower has been shown to create a protective layer over your tooth enamel to lessen the chance of them staining. So eat your greens, especially at the start of your meal.
  2. Have a big sip of water after you’ve finished your meal or drink and swirl it around your mouth to clear away any acids or staining compounds.
  3. Actively try and get more saliva into your mouth after eating and let it move over your teeth. It’s easy to do after a sip of water and saliva is your mouth’s natural defense against enamel erosion, staining and cavities. 

Please find below the rescue options.

  1. Dental bleaching
  2. Teeth Whitening 

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