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Deciding Which Toothpaste is the Best For You?

Just like fingerprints, each of have a unique set of teeth that behave and react differently to various conditions. Some have sensitive teeth while some are easily prone to halitosis (bad breath). Thus its important to understand how your teeth are made and practice a dental care accordingly. At Dr.Smilez, Chennai our expert dentists are there to help you figure out your Dental Care requirements. The first step to that procedure will be deciding which toothpaste is the best for you.

The origin of Toothpaste dates centuries back and has evolved over the years with a wide range customized to suit the different needs. The purpose of a toothpaste is not to keep your teeth clean like it promises to. The primary purpose is for your mouth to feel refreshed and get rid of the sticky, bad odour. The additives are solely to give some value to the product.

With such honest details, we at Dr.Smilez will recommend the best kind of toothpaste that you need to maintain your teeth.

The primary composition of a toothpaste are:

  • Fluoride
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (Foam)
  • Silica, Aluminium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, zeolites etc. (Abrasives)
  • Triclosan (Antibacterial agent)
  • Flavorants


composition of toothpaste

Based on the purpose and need, various kinds of toothpastes are available, each varying in the above composition.

The different kind of toothpastes are:

  1. Whitening toothpastes
  2. Toothpaste for Sensitive toothpaste
  3. Natural & Herbal Toothpaste
  4. Tartar/Plaque control Toothpaste
  5. Fluoride Toothpaste

Tips to decide which is the best Toothpaste for you:

In India, the Indian Dental Association is responsible for approving the toothpastes and ensure that they strictly follow the restrictions. This it is always wise to choose a toothpaste that is certified and approved by the IDA. It is also important to read the ingredients on the tube and ensure that it does not contain anything that you could be allergic to.

Another important factor in deciding which toothpaste is the best for you is to understand the type of teeth you have. To do so, you need to consult a doctor and let them decide what your dental care requirements will be. Understand the needs for each one in your family and ensure that you buy the best toothpaste for everyone – especially so for the kids.

Toothpaste is just an additive to help you keep your teeth fresh and clean. Without proper brushing techniques and an ideal toothbrush, brushing your teeth even twice a day won’t prove useful. Take care of your teeth and stay Dental Healthy with Dr.Smilez, Chennai.


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