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Sensitive Teeth? Discover the Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

Clean teeth and healthy teeth have a major difference. 

A clean tooth isn’t always healthy, but healthy teeth are always clean. 

However, our teeth play a vital role in determining the health of our teeth. 

Mostly while purchasing toothpaste, we aim for white teeth, but it is necessary to select a toothpaste that is suitable for your teeth and gums in a beneficial way. 

More than just selecting a random toothpaste that helps clean teeth is needed. You should make an optimum choice for improving your overall health, which is necessary.

Similarly, sensitive teeth are very common in people these days. Opting for the right type of toothpaste, which is beneficial for your teeth, is necessary to prevent sensitivity. 

Read the blog to know more. 

What causes sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth can be caused due to a variety of reasons, including changes in the food, a tear in the minimal part of the enamel, and many more. Let’s know it more deeply. 

Brushing Hard:

Hard brushing is one of the common reasons for enamel loss in people. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and applying less pressure while brushing your teeth is suggested so the enamel doesn’t wear away. Hence it is advised to brush your teeth properly.

Gum Recession:

The gum Recession is also one of the leading causes of tooth sensitivity in many people. When you brush so hard, the tooth roots get exposed, leading to sensitivity to the teeth. 

Tooth Decay:

Tooth Decay can also cause tooth sensitivity in many people. It is because dental caries can expose the inner parts leading to the gum sensitivity of the teeth.

Read also: Best way to Restoring a Decayed Baby Tooth

Acidic Foods: 

Another reason for sensitive teeth is the food pattern that you follow. Eating highly acidic foods can affect your enamel health and can also cause sensitivity to the tooth.

Dental Treatments:

Some dental treatments like teeth cleaning, whitening, fillings, and crowns can also cause sensitive teeth in people. Hence, if you have undergone any dental treatments, you have a higher chance of developing sensitive teeth.


Bruxism refers to people grinding and clenching their teeth more often. Hence if you have any of these habits, there are chances of suffering from a similar condition. 

Henceforth these are the following causes for sensitive teeth.

Suggest some best ingredients for sensitive teeth. 

If you choose toothpaste for sensitive teeth, see that it has the following ingredients. 

Potassium Nitrate: 

While selecting a toothpaste, see to it that it has potassium nitrate. It helps desensitize the nerves of the teeth, reduces sensitivity, and provides relief. 


Fluoride is also essential for your teeth if you are suffering from sensitivity. It helps strengthen the tooth enamel and helps to protect the enamel erosion, reduces sensitivity, and helps prevent acidic stimuli. 


Novamin is also an effective ingredient for sensitive teeth. It is a bioactive ingredient that forms a protective layer on the teeth’ surface and alleviates pain. 

Strontium Chloride: 

Like potassium nitrate, even strontium chloride helps block nerve impulses and relieve pain. 


Hydroxyapatite is also an effective ingredient that helps demineralize the enamel, strengthening the teeth and reducing sensitivity. 

Henceforth these are the important ingredients for sensitive teeth. 

Suggest some best toothpaste for sensitive teeth. 

Here are a few best toothpaste which you can use for your sensitive teeth; 

Sensodyne Toothpaste: 

Sensodyne is one of the effective toothpastes suggested for sensitive teeth. It is mostly suitable for adults, but it is also suitable for children to use if they have the issue of sensitive teeth. The toothpaste is specially manufactured to treat sensitivity issues in people. It helps fix several issues connected to sensitivity.

The toothpaste compromises two vital ingredients, potassium nitrate, and stannous fluoride, which help maintain sensitive teeth. Apart from these two ingredients, the toothpaste also contains fluoride, which helps protect you from cavities. 

Apart from protecting you from sensitivity, toothpaste is also beneficial in many ways, like whitening teeth, freshening your teeth, protecting you from plaque, strengthening the enamel, and more. 

Colgate Paste:

Colgate is one of the most reputed and recommended brands for treating your teeth issues. It also has solutions for the problems of sensitive teeth. It contains effective and special ingredients that can be helpful for your teeth to repair sensitivity and other issues. You can brush your teeth or apply toothpaste on the area of sensitivity with your finger on the required teeth.

The Colgate sensitivity toothpaste is helpful in many ways apart from alleviating the pain. The benefits of using toothpaste for the teeth include freshening the breath, repairing sensitivity, and other dental issues. 

It is one of the best toothpaste for your teeth for treating sensitivity.

Himalaya Herbal Sensitive Toothpaste: 

Himalaya is a suggested toothpaste for your teeth if you suffer from sensitivity issues. It is a quick-relief provider and provides the user with long-lasting relief from the pain of tooth sensitivity. 

Regular Himalaya toothpaste can help restore your gum and overall dental health. It helps strengthen your gums and prevents bleeding and gum diseases. It provides a cooling effect and provides relief from the sensitivity of your teeth. However, to obtain effective results, you can brush your teeth regularly with effective results. 

Henceforth these are a few best toothpaste brands that you can try for your sensitive teeth and also other major issues of your teeth. It will help treat other issues of your teeth as well. 

Hope you find the blog on Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth helpful. If you have suggestions or queries, stay connected to read more blogs like this. 

Thank you for reading! 


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