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Why should baby teeth be filled or repaired?

Should baby teeth be filled or repaired?

There are many reasons why baby teeth are as important as the permanent teeth. Cavities aka caries can affect children early. They are known to run in the family; take responsibility for your children’s teeth. Be prudent and take your child to the Dentist as soon as the first tooth appears. Dentists can help suggest methods to avoid caries/cavities for your child.

Cavities are sure to affect a majority of the kids while they grow & shed their milk teeth. Many parents might neglect the issues as these affected teeth will fall out eventually. But baby teeth should be filled or repaired for the following reasons.

  • To prevent the decay from spreading.
  • They serve the same important purposes as the permanent teeth
  • Baby teeth should be kept in place until they are replaced by permanent teeth. They reserve space for the permanent teeth to grow into.
  • If baby teeth are lost too early, the adjoining teeth can grow into the spaces that are needed for the permanent teeth. This can then cause crowding problems, as there will be insufficient space for the permanent teeth later.
  • Decayed teeth causing pain will also discourage the child from eating thereby affecting their general health also

baby teeth cavities

The incisors are the first to erupt and the molars are the last to fall. This phase is anywhere between 7 months  to 12 years – varying between each kid. In this period, if cavities affect the teeth that are close to falling then if would be wise to leave them alone. But if caries affects teeth at the early stages, then it surely is a reason to worry — and for immediate dental attention.

Cavities can be removed and filled at the early stages with a simple procedure. But if left untreated, the damage could penetrate into the roots also. Regular brushing and flossing cannot completely prevent cavities. Care must be taken to restrict or wash down the sugar intake for the kid. The Pediatric Dentist will be able to guide you through the process of caring for your kid’s teeth. Follow them as you would do for yourself; we believe you like to take care of yours too! 😉

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