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Tips to Make Your Teeth Look Better

Tips to Make Your Teeth Look Better – What to use for Teeth cleaning at home

Having great teeth is very important in our culture today. Your teeth are one of the first things people notice. They are a sign of health as well as confidence. When making a first impression, having teeth that look like you don’t brush them can send a signal that you don’t really care about yourself. A shining set of sparkling white teeth can make anyone appear more attractive, healthy and younger.

Here are some tips to use at home to make your teeth look better:

  1. Baking Soda:

You can mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with a little toothpaste (preferably not a gel one). Brush your teeth with this mixture and then rinse it thoroughly, you can do this once or twice a week. You can also combine baking soda with lemon juice, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.

For whiter teeth, you can make a mouthwash by mixing one tablespoon of baking   soda and one and a half teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of cold water. Use this twice or thrice a week.

You can also scrub your teeth gently for at least two minutes with diluted baking soda. Do this twice in the first week, and then every 15 days. It is essential to note that excess use of baking soda can strip your teeth of its natural enamel.

2.   Orange Peel

Rub orange peel over your teeth every night before going to sleep. As the bacteria go about their work maximum at night, The vitamin C and calcium in the orange peel will combat them throughout the night.

Do this for a few weeks and you will notice effective results.

orange peel for teeth cleaning


3.   Salt

Salt is one of the fundamental dental cleansing agents that has been used for ages. You can use common salt regularly each morning as a tooth powder instead of toothpaste. You can also mix common salt with baking soda and gently rub it on your teeth.

Be extra careful using salt as it can cause damage to your gums and tooth enamel if used roughly.

4.   Lemon

We love our portion of sweet and sticky lemon juice but lemon has another side to it, by mixing together a few drops of lemon juice and some salt and applying the mixture on the stained teeth we can see a miracle. A complete transformation from stained to pearly white teeth, however remember to rinse properly after rubbing the mixture on your teeth.

Lemon for Teeth cleaning

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

As complicated the name sounds, the more simply it works on your teeth. It has been clinically proven that apple cider vinegar would eventually remove stubborn stains on the teeth, especially from coffee and nicotine but you have to be consistent and it takes a least a month of continuous usage to see results. After brushing with ACV, you will need to brush again with regular toothpaste, preferably a non-fluoride paste, or rinse your mouth out really well.


Note: One must be extremely careful while using these methods because incomplete rinsing or excessive use in case of acid containing substances may harm your enamel. These are home remedies for healthier teeth and gums however, consulting a doctor before and after any dental issue methods is a must.


Dr.Smilez Group of Dental Centers is the largest chain of  Dental Clinic in Chennai & Pondicherry; we offer you the best quality dental check-up and treatment. With a team of over 100 experienced dental surgeons – many award winning doctors, and specialists catering to a large segment of people requiring both basic and advanced dental care, we provide a complete care for every dental problem.




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