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Unveiling the Different Stages of the Root Canal Treatment

Stages of Root Canal Treatment

Looking to refresh your smile? Explore the transformative Stages of the Root Canal Treatment for effective teeth restoration. This advanced dental process involves the removal of the damaged tooth root, precise cleaning by an experienced endodontist, and filling the treated area with dental fillings.

A carefully placed crown seamlessly blends with your natural teeth, completing the procedure. Each stage is crucial for comprehensive results, making it essential to understand the process intricately. Curious about the specific phases?

Let’s delve into the detailed Stages of the Root Canal Treatment.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Before discussing the different stages of the root canal treatment, let’s briefly discuss the root canal procedure.

Root Canal Treatment is a procedure where your decayed tooth roots are removed, cleaned and filled with the fillings. After the cleanings and the fillings, a cap is placed on the top, similar to the colour of the teeth, to make it appear just like the natural teeth.

General dentists mostly perform the root canals, but in rare and most complicated cases, your teeth might need a visit to the endodontist.

It is performed when your tooth roots, containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, are extensively damaged. However, root canal treatment is performed to save the life of your tooth, relieve it from the pain, prevent the spread of the infection, and preserve the life expectancy of the tooth.

The root canal treatment helps to reframe your smile and enhance your tooth’s sustainability. You can visit the best dental clinic in Chennai or near you for an effective root canal treatment for your teeth.

In what cases where root canal treatment is suggested?

The root canal treatment is suggested in the following cases;

  • Intense and severe toothache is a sign indicating that you might need root canal treatment.
  • If you are feeling sensitivity to hot or cold, even then, you are the right candidate for the root canal treatment.
  • Swelling and abscesses in or around your teeth can also make you opt for root canal treatment.
  • A cracked and fractured tooth also indicates that your teeth need root canal treatment.
  • Repeated dental procedures on a single tooth also indicate the need for a root canal for your teeth.
  • If you ever witness a dark or decayed tooth, it also indicates the need for root canal treatment.
  • Darkening of your teeth or changes in the colour of the teeth is also a suggestion that your teeth need root canal treatment.

Hence, the following are some cases where you might need root canal treatment for your teeth.

What are the different stages of the root canal treatment?

As already said, root canal treatment is a complex procedure. It involves several procedures. Let’s see it here in detail.


The first step will be towards diagnosing the patient analysing and confirming the treatment. During this process, your dentists might conduct several tests, including X-rays, to determine the extent of the infection and damage the number of root canals in the affected tooth. The dentists conduct thorough research and also conduct several tests during the treatment.


Once the treatment and diagnosis are done, your dentists will provide local anesthesia to protect you from intolerable pain and discomfort. It numbs the area where the root canal will occur during the treatment. Providing your teeth with local anesthesia can help control and relieve you from the pain.

Access Opening:

Once the anesthesia is given to the patient, the dentist gives access to a small hole, which goes down to the pulp chambers of the root canal. It helps to remove the damaged and infected pulp and helps replace it with a better bite force. The canals are given a thorough cleaning to infected pulp to help remove it entirely from your teeth.


Once the cleaning is done, the canals are shaped and are prepared to fill them with the fillings. Later, the fillings are added on the substitute of your teeth and are sealed to make it look natural. It also gives your teeth firm support and also a strong bite force. 


Once your teeth are sealed, in some cases, your dentists might advise you for a restoration to make it look completely natural. It also strengthens your teeth right from the root. The cap looks like natural teeth and also enhances your appearance.


It is also necessary to meet your dentists, even after the root canal treatment, to check if some treatments are required for your teeth. Missing follow-up sessions in some cases

The following are the stages carried on during the treatment of the root canal procedure.

How to take care of your teeth after the root canal treatment?

Here are the following steps to follow after the root canal treatment;

  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly, at least twice a day.
  • Using a mouth rinse after eating is the best way to keep your teeth clean after the treatment.
  • Maintain a healthy diet, which is good for oral and overall health.
  • Visit your dentist regularly and do not miss any appointments with it.

Understanding the different stages of the root canal treatment is necessary to get an overview and carry on further with the treatment. Root Canal Treatment can help you get your beautiful smile back, along with many other benefits.

I hope you find the blog on the different stages of root canal treatment helpful. See you soon, and stay connected for more blogs like this.

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