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Spruce up your Dental Trivia


Have you ever wondered why a master health check-up doesn’t include checking of your teeth?

It is only because your teeth need special care and attention and it needs to be done straight away.

For a beginner to check how good and healthy your teeth are read the below sentence aloud.

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Ok, now let’s get on with some serious quiz questions.


There isn’t anything easier than answering a question with just a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’. Isn’t it?

1. Does having diabetes play any part in increasing your risk of dental disease?

o Yes

o No

Answer: Yes –

Prevention:- Brushing twice a day and flossing once daily are very important in reducing your risk of

further gum disease.

2. Tired of your mouth getting dry? Answer the below question and maybe you could find a way to

prevent it.

Did you know that having a persistently ‘dry mouth’ can be related to dental disease?

o Yes

o No

Ans:- Yes

Prevention :- Your dentist may recommend saliva substitutes and/or additional therapies to help

decrease your risk of cavities. You can also make sure you drink extra water during the day to help

rinse food from your mouth.

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