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Points to Remember while Caring for Baby Teeth

It is always the smallest of things that can cause the biggest happiness. The joy for parents must know no bounds when the baby shows any signs of development. Typically, babies start teething between 6 months, sometimes even as early as 3 months. By the time the baby is 3 years old, they should have all their 20 primary teeth.

This developmental phase is a milestone for the baby and definitely something that the parents should know the points to remember while caring for baby teeth. It is also the phase that needs proper care and attention, especially cause caring for baby teeth will give results for a lifetime.

It is known that the baby teeth last for one-sixth of a person’s life. Just like a pitch curator who prepares the pitch before the match the baby teeth are essential before the permanent teeth set in.

A few points to be Points to Remember while Caring for Baby Teeth, noted so that when a baby smiles you can be very sure that everything is right in its place.

  • Better to start early than finish late.
    Your child’s teeth are forming in their gums even before birth, so good tooth care starts while you are pregnant. They need to be taken care of as soon as they start coming in. People tend to think they aren’t important because they’re eventually replaced by permanent ones. But these first teeth preserve the spacing for the permanent ones and help Baby chew and talk.
  • Avoid Cavities from setting in.
    If you find any discoloration and minor pitting it is because the cavity has begun to set in. To avoid this putting a baby to bed with the bottle must be completely avoided.
  • H2O(water)- A term which your kids will eventually learn.
    Water is essential after every meal for the baby. It helps to easily clean all the infant food particles from the baby teeth until the baby starts using a regular toothbrush.
  • Less sweet = better teeth
    Sugar and sweet are the main reason for tooth decay, especially for baby teeth. Avoid sugar as much as possible. You can probably put a scary picture to the sugar tin so that the babies dare not touch it. Children who eat sweets every day have nearly twice as much decay as children who eat sweets less often.
  • Toothpaste to be used
    Toothpastes made only for babies containing fluoride, which helps to prevent tooth decay. Encourage him to enjoy savoury foods such as vegetables and pasta, and don’t add sugar to their food.

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