Wisdom tooth or vestigial third molar usually appear further back in the tooth position. They don’t have proper room to grow, which makes them to be dispositional in different angles. This causes severe problems, as it gets trapped or impacted into the jaw, and in turn causes gum disease and oral infection.
Major reasons why removal of wisdom tooth is been advised to the patients:
Getting trapped inside the jawbone or gums may be painful sometimes, as they may pressure or damage the adjacent healthy tooth during chewing and biting. The uncleaned part of them may help bacteria to cause infection and tooth decay after a period of time.
Removal of wisdom tooth is advised predominantly for young adults, as their roots are not fully formedand it would help them to recover faster. Unfortunately, this is very difficult for older people, as they are firmly seated on the jaw.
Removal of wisdom tooth has been done to quiet a few patients in Dr.Smilez till now. In fact, we found this tooth removal made them feel happier and satisfactory compared to any other treatment, as the symptom experienced from the others would have severe pain, which would be relieved completely during the tooth removal.
Recently, one such incident happened at our clinic. A pregnant lady visited our clinic, asked us to remove her wisdom tooth immediately.She was very desperate in extraction, as she was in a severe pain. So we started with antibiotics and her wisdom tooth was removed after that successfully. Apparently, she praised everyone who worked for this treatment, as it gave her total satisfaction and a complete relief.