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How to Remove Stains From Teeth| Causes And Home Remedies

Yellow teeth aren’t always bad! Even yellow teeth are also healthy, which have been stained for various reasons.

But How do you get rid of it? Have any idea?

Before we analyze the problem, it’s necessary to analyze its causes. In this article, I have discussed why and how to remove yellow stains from teeth. 

Read it till the end to know more. 

What are the major causes of yellow teeth?

Yellow teeth aren’t always caused due to an underlying tooth problem; sometimes, it is also caused due to changes in the exposure to your daily habits, diet, and other factors. Let’s see them in detail one by one; 

Poor Oral Hygiene:

Poor oral hygiene is also one of the major causes of yellow teeth. Due to poor oral hygiene, the bacteria accumulate in our teeth and form plaque, which forms the teeth in the form of stains. Therefore maintaining good oral hygiene is necessary to keep your teeth and prevent this type of yellowish stains in your teeth. 


Another major yet crucial cause of the stains on your teeth is the adaption or exposure to the staining foods like red wine, coca-cola, coffee, tea, etc. Avoiding these foods may help prevent this type of stain on your teeth.

Dental injury/Trauma:

Dental injury or Trauma is also one of the causes of the changes in your teeth’s colour. It is due to the damage to your enamel which fades away the colour of the teeth and makes them appear dull and discoloured. This type of discolouring teeth is rare; if it is, they can’t be treated easily and might be challenging.


Taking certain medications can also stain your teeth up to some extent. In this case, you can enquire about it with your dentist to combat the ill effects of certain medications, https://holisticdental.org/klonopin-for-anxiety/ and you can also ask for a solution for how to remove yellow stains from teeth. 

Tobacco Usage:

You might have noticed that people with the habit of chewing tobacco or using tobacco products like cigarettes have stained teeth as it affects the texture of their teeth. Hence to avoid such stains, it is necessarily better to quit the habit of smoking or tobacco usage.


One of the major factors of yellow teeth is genetics; people with a family history of stained and dark teeth might be undergoing this condition with their teeth. Hence genetics play a vital role in the changes in your teeth’ colour. 

So these were some common causes of Yellow stains on the teeth.

How do you Remove the yellow stains from the teeth?

Here are some yellow teeth remedies which I have shared for your kind knowledge. Follow these for effective results. 

Home prescriptions:

The first and foremost step you can take towards your oral care as a home remedy is to treat the stains. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss them every time you brush them. If not, you must floss your teeth at least once a day, seven days a week.

Apart from brushing and flossing, ensure that you rinse your mouth between meals to prevent germs from sticking to your teeth. 

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide: 

Another great trick to remove the stains from your mouth is hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Make a paste of two components, one cup of baking soda and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, and apply it to your teeth. 

Now you can use it to rinse your mouth. It is one of the effective ways to remove stains from your teeth. 

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Another best remedy to remove the stains from your teeth is apple cider vinegar. You can use it to remove the stains from your teeth easily with no effort. Take two spoons of apple cider vinegar in six ounces of water and mix it. Now use the water to rinse your mouth. Remember that you don’t use it directly, as it can erode the enamel of your teeth. So consider taking it only after diluting it in water. 

Oil Pulling:

Oil Pulling is one of the effective traditional methods of removing stains from your mouth. You must use olive or coconut oil to swish your teeth in this method. 

See to it that you do not take the Oil up to your throat as it may contain bacteria and germs from your teeth. Need not swallow it. However, oil pulling is a very traditional method; still, some research is needed to prove it to be completely effective.

Oil pulling is one of the quick home remedies for yellow teeth. 

Teeth Whitening: 

Teeth whitening procedure is another best way to remove the stains from your teeth which has some prolonged effects. In professional teeth, whitening dentists use bleaching agents and lasers to remove the stains from your teeth more professionally. It isn’t permanent but can last for 2-3 years with appropriate care and maintenance. 

Frequently Asked Questions about How to remove yellow stains from teeth; 

How to clean yellow teeth? Suggest some easy and quick remedies. 

To whiten your teeth quickly, try to follow these steps;

  • Try to use tooth whitening toothpaste.
  • Switch from a manual to an electronic brush. 
  • Try baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for your teeth.
  • Use Oil pulling methods.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day regularly.
  • Practice and Maintain good oral health. 
  • Try professional teeth whitening techniques.

Is the teeth whitening methods effective in removing stains?

Teeth whitening is a very effective method of removing stains from your teeth. Many people have proved that professional teeth whitening can last for a more prolonged period when compared to other whitening techniques or home-based teeth whitening. 

How are the stains in your teeth caused?

Several reasons, like an injury to the teeth after the enamel wears off, stains from your teeth, and your age, are some of the reasons you have colour in your teeth. 

What are the foods that can cause yellow teeth?

Foods that can cause yellow teeth are acidic foods like lemon and caffeine products like coffee and tea, dark berries, wine, coloured foods and other sugary foods, red wine, brightly coloured curries and sauces, tobacco, pan, betel nut, fruits, vegetables, vinegar, etc. 

List out some of the acidic foods. 

  • Cola
  • Soda
  • Sports Drinks
  • White wine
  • Commercial Fruit Juices
  • Freshly Prepared Citrus fruit juices. 

So hope you find the blog on How to remove yellow stains from teeth helpful. Kindly drop all your suggestions and queries in the comment section below. Stay connected to read more articles like this on this website. See you soon.

Thank you! 


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