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Does eating snacks affect the oral health?

Does eating snacks affect the oral health?

Kids and adults alike, tend to grab a snack or two at odd times through the day. Being a habit that cannot be completely avoided, there is only one way to make sure this does not affect your health & of course, the health of your teeth.

Snack Smart!

This post is going to help you choose snacks that will not affect your oral health. Food items that can be had as snacks may not be too healthy for the body but might help save your teeth from severe damages. For instance, a slice of Pizza would not harm your teeth as much as a lollipop would do! Although pizzas or fries would not be the ideal snack for a healthy lifestyle, it is a smarter choice in comparison to any sugar candy or a piece of cake.

Sugar activates bacterial growth on the teeth which in turn is the cause for cavities. Snacks like chocolates, lollipops & candy bars tend to stay in the mouth for longer thus bringing about increased bacterial activity. Sugar is the primary source for cavities and other major teeth problems. Thus, it is smart to avoid any snacks that contain excessive sugar.

In unavoidable situations, ensure you rinse your mouth well and brush the teeth if you have the access. Reducing sugar intake can improve both your oral health and general fitness, https://medfitnetwork.org/public/valium-diazepam-oral/. Snacks can be classified as healthy and unhealthy in terms on nutritional value. They can also be classified as healthy or unhealthy depending on its effects on one’s oral health.

This is where one must try to balance both oral health and the nutrition for their body. Care must be taken to avoid food items that can cause severe damage to the teeth. In most cases, all nutritious food – likes nuts, cereal, vegetables, are also good the teeth. But as mentioned above, a pizza could be better than a candy although it does not add much to one’s diet. Think about it.

Next time when you want to grab a bite of something, snack smart and snack oral healthy 🙂

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