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Pediatric Dentistry near me

Pediatric Dentistry near me

In the recent past, there has been a dramatic change in the nature of dental practice, particularly with regards to children. There is now more of a preventive approach and restoration of caries teeth continues to be valuable service.

Importance of primary (milk) teeth in chewing and as maintainers of space for the permanent teeth is being recognized.

Development of suitable and economical restorative materials has shaped a philosophy of restoring and conserving primary teeth rather than the earlier concept of merely extracting them under the presumption that they are merely temporary teeth which do not require preservation and care.



Retention of the tooth is important for:

–       Maintenance & improvement of appearance.

–       Maintenance of a healthy oral environment.

–       Prevention and relief of pain.

–       Comfort &  freedom in speech

–       A functional role  in  mastication

–       Excellent space  maintenance & guidance for permanent dentition

–       Prevention of aberrant habits such as tongue thrusting

–       Psychologically more acceptable – Children want to avoid ridicule and criticism from their peers directed towards unsightly teeth which may be psychologically traumatic.


Cleaning and Fluoride:

Your child’s teeth will be cleaned to remove bacterial plaque and calculus (hard tartar deposits) that can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Topical fluoride will be applied to the teeth to make them stronger and more resistant to tooth decay. A thorough cleaning and fluoride treatment every six months have been shown to be an extremely effective way to prevent dental disease.

Dental Cavities

Tooth decay (cavities or caries) is a progressive disease that often begins in very young children. Decay is a result of the interaction between bacteria that are normally on our teeth and sugars in the everyday diet. The bacteria use those sugars to produce acid. A tooth exposed to this acid will lose minerals, and that loss is the first step toward tooth decay. The pediatric dentist can remove the decay and use modern materials such as tooth-colored fillings to restore the tooth to a healthy state. If tooth damage is very severe, there may be nerve damage and a stainless steel crown might be required.

Early Orthodontic Care

It’s never too early to keep an eye on your child’s oral development. A pediatric dentist can identify malocclusion — crowded or crooked teeth or bite problems — and actively intervene to guide the teeth as they emerge in the mouth. Orthodontic treatment early can prevent more extensive treatment later.


Extractions are done only as a last resort. If a primary molar is removed prematurely, a space maintainer will be placed. Some extractions are needed for orthodontic reasons to help facilitate tooth alignment.

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Pulp Treatment 

Pulp therapy is the treatment of infected nerves and blood vessels in teeth. Pulp therapy generally becomes necessary for two reasons: either as a result of extensive tooth decay (dental cavities) or as the result of tooth injury.

Failure to provide the necessary pulp therapy could result in your child experiencing pain, infection, swelling, or loss of the root. With the proper treatment, the tooth can be preserved for chewing food and maintaining proper space for permanent teeth, as well as helping your child to preserve a healthy, happy smile.


The chewing surfaces of children’s teeth are the most susceptible to cavities. Sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth and are highly effective in preventing tooth decay.

Space Maintainers 

Space maintainers are used when a primary tooth has been prematurely lost to hold space for the permanent tooth. If space is not maintained, teeth on either side of the extraction site can drift into space and prevent the permanent tooth from erupting.

Stainless Steel Crowns 

Stainless steel crowns are used to restore back teeth that are too badly decayed to hold white fillings.

Tooth Colored Fillings 

Tooth-colored fillings are used to restore front or back teeth or where cosmetic appearance is important. Tooth-colored fillings are used to repair fractured teeth and/or areas of decay. The shade of the restorative material is matched as closely as possible to the color of the natural teeth.

X-Ray Use & Safety

In general, children need X-rays more often than adults. Their mouths grow and change rapidly. They are more susceptible to tooth decay than adults. Use of digital radiography reduces the radiation a child is exposed to, to approximately 1/4 the radiation of the traditional dental x-rays.

Treatment Options

Apart from conventional chair-side treatment, in certain specific cases, we can also employ the following:

Treatment With Conscious Sedation

Many children are calm, comfortable and confident in a pediatric dental office. Because pediatric dentists specialize in treating children, they make children feel special. The office is specially designed for children. Our staff members choose to work in a pediatric dental office because they enjoy kids.

Sometimes, however, a child feels anxious during treatment. Your child may need more support than a gentle, caring manner to feel comfortable. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is a safe, effective technique to calm a child’s fear of the dental visit.

Dental Treatment with General Anesthesia

Very young or anxious children or children with special needs can have full mouth dental treatment completed in the operating room under general anesthesia in one visit.

Dental Care for Special Children

We have doctors trained to deal with the special dental needs of children with disabilities.

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