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How to find out when you need braces?

Ever considered breaking up with your disarranged teeth?

Need Braces? Braces are probably the best way you could get rid of your crooked teeth and for the fact that you could smile better for a picture. The best way to deal with crooked teeth is through the braces way.

How to know if you need braces to put on teeth?

The best and the easiest way to check if you need braces is by examining your bite. When you bite down, your teeth should fit together. If there is a large space between your upper and lower teeth, or if your upper or lower teeth protrude significantly past the others, you may have bite problems that need to be corrected with braces.

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Watch out for crooked or crowded teeth. If you could see your teeth sitting sideways or teeth that overlap each other, then you probably need to be having braces set on. These are called malocclusions. If your teeth protrude significantly farther than the surrounding teeth can also be a sign.

If you still have doubts if your teeth are crowded, you can determine this using dental floss. If your floss has difficulty sliding between your teeth, then it is probably too crowded.

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If you have a build-up of plaque on teeth and if it causes abnormal enamel wear, cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease then it is mostly because of the malocclusions and you would have to wear braces straight away.

Watch out for teeth that seem to be too far apart. Crowding of teeth isn’t the only problem which needs braces. Even teeth having gaps need them. If you have missing teeth, proportionally small teeth, or large gaps between your teeth, this could also impair the functioning of your bite and jaw. Spacing is the most common issue addressed by braces.

If your food gets regularly stuck between your teeth, then it is because of the disarrangements of teeth. It can form bacteria which only creates more problems. It is better to deal it the braces way. You can find out if bacteria got through the way if your breath smells bad.

It can also be found the speech way. If you notice a lisp, it may be the result of malocclusion or misaligned teeth. Braces may help eliminate this lisp by properly aligning your teeth and jaw.

Frequent jaw pain can also be a symptom for crooked teeth and if you find difficulty in chewing can also be a sign.

Here are a few other symptoms to find out when you need braces:

  • Upper front teeth protrude excessively over the lower teeth (buck teeth)
  • Upper front teeth cover the majority of the lower teeth when biting together (deep bite)
  • Upper front teeth are behind or inside the lower front teeth (underbite)
  • Upper and lower front teeth do not touch when biting together (open bite)
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