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Frequently Asked Questions on Braces – Part 2

Question about Braces | Frequently Asked Questions on Braces

Here are more question about Braces, answered by our orthodontic experts. 

11. I am a working professional and have been advised lingual braces. How does it work?

Lingual braces are totally invisible in that they are placed on the inside of the teeth rather than the outside. Lingual braces try to hide altogether by residing on the inside of your teeth. Lingual braces cannot be done for all situations and can be decided only after orthodontic consultation.

12. I have some jaw protrusion also. Can that be corrected with braces?

Braces can only move teeth and cannot move jaws. But mild jaw protrusion can look better after braces treatment. For moderate to severe jaw protrusion, a jaw correction may also be necessary.

13. I am a lawyer and would like to correct the gaps between my teeth. Is it possible to correct without the braces being visible?

Yes. It is possible to correct with ceramic braces or lingual braces. Alternatively, clear aligners can also be used which do not use wires to move teeth.

17. Can we eat all types of food with braces?

There is no food restriction with braces. You should, however, avoid very hard, sticky or chewy foods. It is also preferable to cut or tear sandwiches or pizza rather than biting into them.

Question about braces: Read the related articles

18. Is there a quality difference between the different braces types?

Although braces may look similar they are not the same. Companies like 3M Unitek invest millions of dollars in R&D to make braces and wires that apply the right pressure on the teeth in order to get a good result. Poor quality braces may actually have a negative result as the pressure on teeth may not be controlled.

19. What are the costs for braces treatment?

The cost depends on the type of braces used and the degree of malalignment of the teeth. This can only be determined after a thorough examination

20. I had braces when I was young, I am 55 years now and see that gaps are developing in my teeth. What do I do?

Gaps between teeth happen as we age due to gum or bone loss or due to missing or worn out teeth. You can go in for clear braces or clear aligners which can help in closing the gaps.

You are reading Frequently Asked Question about braces

21. How do I brush my teeth with braces?

You should brush your teeth with braces on using special orthodontic brushes. Waterpiks are also useful in flushing out any particles stuck in between the wires and the brackets.

22. Will the teeth that have been corrected stay in the new position for life?

After the teeth have become straight and the braces have been removed comes the final step. This is the fixed retainer.  The job of the fixed retainer is to keep the teeth in their new position. The retainer is removed generally after 6 months.

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