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Does Oil Pulling Benefit the Oral Health?

The concept of oil pulling is quite popular and many claim various health benefits with regular practice. But does it help the mouth get any cleaner or any healthier? Is there any scientific backing to the theories or the practice? Here are a few points on Oil pulling that might help you understand the concept and the science behind it.

Oil pulling has gained popularity in the recent past although it is an age-old practice, dating to almost 3000 years back. It has been prescribed in the Ayurvedic books and has been a considered a traditional home remedy for oral and overall health. The term pulling is to signify the process of “pulling out” the toxins from the mouth which facilitates the improved oral health.

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Let us list the steps involved in the process of oil pulling Benefit.

  • Step.1: Take a tablespoon of oil (Coconut, Sesame. Do not use vegetable oil or canola oil as they contain additives)
  • Step.2: As soon as you wake up, take the oil in your mouth and slowly swish it inside.
  • Step.3: Be careful to not swallow the oil as it will start collecting the toxins from your mouth
  • Step.4: It is advised to swish or retain the oil for 20 minutes exactly for the best result. However, this might not be possible at the beginning. Start with 5 to 10 minutes and slowly progress up to 20 minutes.
  • Step.5: After completing the given duration, spit the “white thick paste” into the trash. Sometimes, the oil can clog your pipes and hence it is advisable to discard it in the bin
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