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Braces for Men – 4 Reasons Why Men Should get Braces

Every time we talk about braces, it is quite natural that we picture a girl or sometimes a woman wearing them. Why do we not picture men sporting braces? Both teenage boys and girls are likely to get treated, whereas grown-up women are more likely to get braces than men. Ever wondered why?

Here are a few reasons as to why men should wear braces and why it wouldn’t be a bad picture:

  • According to the reports:

You would be a little surprised but there are more men getting braces and orthodontic treatment done than you actually think. Of all of the adults who seek orthodontic treatment including braces, 44% are men.

There is more to it. Guys consider braces for various reason. Beyond the obvious and often amazing visual transformation of having straight teeth and to have the perfect smile, braces and other orthodontic treatment helps to correct or address other physical issues such as:

  • Chronic Headaches and Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
  • Oral hygiene issues and uneven wearing or even cracking/breaking teeth caused by overcrowding or alignment issues
  • Intestinal and dietary issues caused by the inability to chew properly


Braces for Men
Braces for Men


If you aren’t too sure if you can smile with your braces on just remember that you’re in good company. There are plenty of guys with braces who aren’t afraid to post up a selfie. There is also a hashtag out there just for you guys:- #boyswithbraces.

  A feather in your cap:

Guys with attractive smiles can just add a little more flavour to it. Various guys with braces have a straighter and more attractive smile. If we go by the records men with braces on tend to attract people when they smile.

Read this similar also:

Hurried up?

Men tend to chew their food faster and damage their teeth with various aspects. They also care way lesser about their teeth compared to women, by which they have very less idea about their shape of their teeth. Take time and observe your teeth and you will realise braces wouldn’t be a bad idea.

You are reading about Braces for Men.

Sports Injury can be prevented: 

Straight teeth are easier to protect from a sports injury. Mouth guards are made only for straight teeth. Only if you have straight teeth, mouth guards will fit you perfectly. Teeth that are protruding, overcrowded, or otherwise misaligned are harder to protect even when wearing a mouth guard, and more vulnerable to injuries, cracking, breaking, or even avulsion.

Not the only option:

If you still are not satisfied that braces aren’t bad, then there are a few more luxuries which could ease you out.

There are different types of braces which can help to not ruin your looks: –

  • Traditional Braces 
  • Clear Braces (wires are almost invisible)
  • Lingual Braces (brackets made of gold)
  • Invisalign – almost invisible


Adults, mostly men should get braces to avoid serious problems with their teeth and mouth:

It can also help avoid tooth decay, gum and bone loss, irregular wear of the tooth enamel, and TMJ/TMD pain. Researches have shown that the frequency of misalignment in adults is similar to the frequency in children and teens. When you have a crossbite or misaligned teeth, you have an increased chance of plaque and food buildup between your teeth. This means you may get the periodontal disease or gum disease.

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Braces to avoid other health issues :

Not correcting your teeth can lead to other health concerns as well, such as headaches, ear pain, and stomach issues.

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