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Why do toddlers put everything into their mouth?

Why do toddlers put everything into their mouth?

  • Watching the baby grow through its babyhood is a wonderful experience but have you wondered why kids put everything they get hold of into their mouth? Is it because they know it is dirty or unsafe and taunts you by taking it straight into the mouth? Or because they think everything that they can get their hands on is edible?

Read these interesting articles:

It is none of the above options.

  • Toddler-hood or babyhood is the most crucial stage of a baby’s development and every phase that the baby goes through during these periods signifies a particular milestone. Having said this, why do you think babies are obsessed about putting everything into their mouth?
  • We have to delve a little bit into developmental psychology, which classifies every developmental stage of the baby with its meaning. During toddler-hood, babies have the obsessive need for oral gratification. Since most of them are still having their mother milk or in the process of weaning, the need for being gratified orally is high.
  • The mouth is the part of the body that is put to use the most and hence the baby tries to feel, see and notice the world around it by taking it to their mouth. Although this seems unhealthy and dangerous, babies are unaware of the consequences and do so only to understand the environment it lives it.

Now that we know that babies are prone to do this through their toddler-hood.
it will be wise for the parents and caretakers to ensure that they do not get hold of any items.
It can be of potential danger to them if bitten or swallowed by mistake.

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